Hi my name is Toni am writing to you from the UK and came across your blogg whilst looking for Dr Seuss blankets. I had a baby boy called Bleu (pronounced like the colour blue) 10months ago and am wondering nif there is any chance you wuld be able to make me a blanket similar or the same to the one you for your brother? I love it!!! Please e-mail me as soon as you can i wuld really appreciate it. My e-mail address id tonibaldie@aol.com i look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and take care. x
Hmmm...where to start! I guess at the very beginning way before Lisa's Luverlies existed. It all started the year we found out my brother and his wife were having a baby. I wanted to do something really special...and of course...unique! My boss taught me how to make the 'drag around' blanket and then I made the onesies and a little bonnet to match. Even before I had finished making it I had requests from my sister and other friends to make blankets for their friends. And thats how it all started. I guess I have my niece Kendall (shown in the photo) to thank. Or my brother and sister-in law! :)
Since then I have made well over 100 blankets. And I am very proud to say each of them have been different from each other and created for each special baby! Thus, the blankets are named after the baby they are given to. I think I am over my limit so I will add pricing and more photos in a regular blog. More to come!
Hi my name is Toni am writing to you from the UK and came across your blogg whilst looking for Dr Seuss blankets. I had a baby boy called Bleu (pronounced like the colour blue) 10months ago and am wondering nif there is any chance you wuld be able to make me a blanket similar or the same to the one you for your brother? I love it!!! Please e-mail me as soon as you can i wuld really appreciate it. My e-mail address id tonibaldie@aol.com i look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and take care. x