Monday, April 29, 2013

Baby Sophie & sister Stella

I can't believe I never posted these photos.  Seriously the cutest sisters they have darling luverlies blankets given to them by the lovely Emily Sapik!  Their mom Christine is using them just as I picture myself oneday useing is a perfect outdoor picnic blanket!  See for yourself...amazingly cute!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cameron turns 4

Do you remember my first baby girl model??? Hard to believe she turned 4 this last February.  Here she is modeling her Luverlies skirt made from fabric that matches her original blanket!!!  Striking a pose!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Meredith

Amy bought this blanket for her friend who lives up north Michigan.  They didnt find out the sex so the browns, oranges and mix of bright colors was perfect.
When they brought bay Meredith home they took a photo of her staring at the blanket. So cute!

Baby Brody

This blanket was made for Baby Brody who is my sister in laws brothers son!  Dinosaurs...perfect for a little boy. Cant wait to meet Brody next time we are in Chicago!

Baby Piera

Beautiful baby, beautiful name, and beautiful blanket! Thanks Shannon for purchasing another Luverlies blanket.  It looks so perfect for Piera. Love her unique name!!!